Five Luxury Tissue Paper Products to Give the Softest Care

Five Luxury Tissue Paper Products to Give the Softest Care

2019-09-27 Laure Back

Five Luxury Tissue Paper Products to Give the Softest Care 

Tissue paper can be regarded as one of the most frequently-used and indispensable products in our daily life. Though all called "tissue paper", tissue paper from different brands may have different function and quality due to different proportion and manufacturing technique.

An official account in China tests several products from some top tissue paper products regarding the price, the water absorbency, the stretching ability, and various aspects. Here is the result.

Pictures and statistics quoted from <>

To conclude, Nepia is recommended for people with running nose due to seasons or cold. Moist and Kleenex can offer the best care for babies and the latter is a more economic substitute to the former. Scottie can be used after face cleaning and Renova can be the best option for those who want fancy products.






Our lotion paper coating machine is used to apply moistening ingredients on the paper. Finished products from the machine are of super softness and can be used to care for the sensitive skin.

As softness of products becoming a major factor affecting customers' choice, what method do you use to upgrade your tissue texture?

Please feel free to contact and share with us your ideas.